An evaluation of 50Webs Web Hosting
We, at, have selected '50Webs Web Hosting' to be our current domain and hosting supplier. This is why we expect that this short assessment of '50Webs Web Hosting' is maybe going to be very helpful for other people from all around the World who need domain name and web hosting solutions. We state people from all around the Globe, since the simple fact is that '50Webs Web Hosting' currently offers domain and hosting services in several data center facility locations: in the USA (Chicago, IL), in Britain (Maidenhead, 20 miles outside London), in Sweden (Stockholm) and in Australia (Sydney). Thus, covering approximately the entire planet. At least from the point of view of the Internet. So, here is what you could anticipate from '50Webs Web Hosting' in brief:
Shared Web Space Hosting Solutions
The initial thing we, at, have detected is the budget prices of the shared website hosting plans supplied by '50Webs Web Hosting'. Shared doesn't sound very well, does it? Well, that's what it is referred to as: shared web hosting. The good news here is that the web space hosting accounts provided by '50Webs Web Hosting' are powered by a custom invented, advanced cloud web hosting solution (each hosting service, like email, databases, web page hosting CP, web space, DNS, stats, etc., is being dealt with by a separate group of servers in a cluster). This is a circumstance ANY cPanel web hosting vendor on the Earth will have immense predicaments with, because cPanel is a single server based hosting environment (each web hosting service, such as electronic mail, databases, website hosting Control Panel, disk space, DNS, stats, etc., runs on a single server), cPanel is not open source (therefore the cPanel webspace hosting firms cannot add extra functionality and manipulate it the way they want it) and there is no open source file system (they have to devise their own file platform), which is the basis of any cloud web hosting service. Let's get back to the shared webspace hosting packages, which are powered by an authentic cloud website hosting solution. With a shared site hosting account, each client pays solely for his/her package, thus preserving the web space hosting price amazingly low (because a lot of clients are hosted on the same web hosting server). To cut a long story short, a shared hosting plan, which is being served by a cloud web page hosting system, permits you to pay only for the resources that you really require, refraining from a situation where you pay for a high-end web space hosting package that you cannot actually use, or for a low-end webspace hosting account that cannot accommodate your web site. The possibility to upgrade your account from one package to another with only two clicks of the mouse grants you the flexibility to start with a tiny package and upgrade as your site expands. Thus, you economize cash that you can expend on promoting the web site while it is still brand new. Every hosting package provided by '50Webs Web Hosting' sports an online site building tool and over forty widely used script platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, Zen Cart and Moodle that will save you 100s of dollars for site design solutions. '50Webs Web Hosting' furnishes shared web hosting accounts in several different countries across the World. There is one datacenter in Chicago encompassing the United States and Canada; 2 European server farm facilities - in the United Kingdom and in Scandinavia; and another one in Australia, which encompasses the Asia Pacific. Hence, virtually the whole planet is covered to supply you and your visitors with a steady and fast web page hosting service at a preferred place. On the whole, the shared hosting solutions delivered '50Webs Web Hosting' are quite well equipped and come at a low-cost price (beginning from $0.00 for the Free package).